All the posts in the category People

Albert J. Ricciuti : A war, a love, an inheritance.
A cosmopolitan and multicultural family Albert Justin Ricciuti was born in 1923 on Lakewood Avenue in the east of Baltimore, Maryland. His father Raffaele, an Italian immigrant who had arrived in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century, had...

Général De Gaulle is in Isigny sur Mer
General de Gaulle, returning to French soil After several years of exile in Great Britain from where he piloted the position and commitments of Free France, General de Gaulle set foot on the ground of France by disembarking from La Combattante on June 14th, 1944, 8...

Arthur Jahnke, german veteran of 23 years old
Arthur Jahnke n’est âgé que de 23 ans en 1944. Lieutenant de l’armée de terre régulière allemande (Heer), il est pourtant déjà vétéran du front de l’Est sur lequel il a combattu avec la 302ème division d’infanterie, où il est grièvement blessé quelques mois auparavant. Cette mésaventure lui vaudra notamment l’attribution de la Croix de Chevalier de la Croix de Fer