All the posts in the category Life of the soldier

Utah to Cherbourg, Recruitement!
Utah to Cherbourg! Utah to Cherbourg will be a major event of the 74th anniversary of the Battle of Normandy. It will take place from 19 to 24 June 2018 in the Cotentin and will aim to reconstitute a "reconnaissance" element (including 1 armored car and 1 scout...

US Army Dog Tags markings
Dog tagS, various markings We are often asked how the dog tags were struck at the time, then small turtoriel on the different strikes existing in time on the plate M1940. Attention, a soldier can be remap his own plates during his war so the typing pattern does not...

Halazone bottles
Harvesting flasks It was during a small Sunday walk through the plowing fields of the Carentan sector largely beaten by the rain for long weeks, that were collected on the ground about twenty small bottles of halazone. These small round-shaped or square...

Relics of 05/21/2017
Remains of the Battle on the ground Small Sunday walk in Normandy and we still find some small trash dragging on the ground. The bottle contained penicillin while the complete toothbrush is a Park Avenue model from Dupont, made in USA! 73 years later, the traces of...

M1 Garand Ammo. Clips
The M1 Garand: A gun that enters the Legend The clips of 8 Cal.30 cartridges comes to supply the first semi-automatic rifle of the US army: the M1 Garand. The production of these clips was such that most of those produced during the Second World War were actually used...

Elements of German administrative offices
Offices in the German army We will never repeat it enough, all military equipment is not necessarily green and does not look like a helmet or a weapon. As evidenced by these two office accessories, there are other witnesses of the Second World War passing more...

The water purification during the war with hypochlorite
La purification de l’eau est un objectif nécessaire au bien-être quotidien du soldat américain sur le front, qui doit pouvoir être confronté à une pénurie d’approvisionnement en eau potable à tout instant. Ainsi, nombreux sont les petits flacons de comprimés d’halazone destinés à décontaminer cette dernière.